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Lonely Days

There you are, all by yourself,
Trapped in a box beneath.
Feeling sad that you're all alone
Because it's just you and your deeds.

Wishing with you there was another soul
With whom you won't compete.
That way, you won't be lone 
And surely, you'd be complete.

But you know your wish won't come true
Because for you it's the end of the road.
Now you wonder who'll see you through,
You see no one, and then you mope.

By your garden you should have been buried, so that its fragrance you smell, and its green you see.
By an ocean, so that its splash you hear, and its breeze you feel.
Beneath a tree, so that its fruit you eat, and the heat you wouldn't feel.

Then you think again...
The beauty of it all is above.
Now your heart is filled with pain...
Because you're trapped right there - below.

Your eyes are filled with terror 
As you await a day unknown.
A day when there will be no error,
The day the trumpet will be blown.



  1. Nice piece from you mama zee...Diction so simple
    I know for sure this is how my Dad feels buh the beauty of the world has come to an end for him to see..
    Life is such a vanity!!

    1. May Allah grant your dad peace, forgive his sins and fill his grave with light. May your dad's grave be for him like a garden from the gardens of paradise. This life is indeed vanity.

  2. You are doing well zee mama...
    It's inspiring 😊😍

  3. The ordeals of the grave🥺......
    We pray to enjoy the company of our daily solat while in our graves🙏.. Aamin

    Very nice piece of work Zainab

  4. Poem is at its strongest when it conveys its meaning with clarity and effortless choice of words together with a well-written imagery that resonates with readers and I strongly feel that this poem has all the foregoing. Thank you for writing.

  5. This is awesome,nice work
    Keep growing in knowledge dear


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