Believe me when I say I know what pain is. Believe me again when I tell you I know what it's like to not want to talk about what hurts. There are over a thousand and five reasons why we do not talk about what hurts inside( I hope you know I just exaggerated). Have I told you to believe me when I tell you I didn't believe the saying: "a problem shared is a problem solved"? Yes, I had the opinion that your problem is still your problem even after you share it. Yes, you read right: I used had, which means I don't think so anymore. Allow me tell you that there are a thousand and five reasons (I'm still exaggerating) why we refuse to talk about what hurts. Reasons why we do not talk about what hurts We think it's pointless: if you think talking about what hurts is pointless and a waste of time and saliva, then you're thinking the way I used to think. Read the word 'used' again, denotes past tense. It isn't pointless to talk about what hurts. Ke...
Zaynerb dreams of a community of people who are constantly positive in their thoughts, a community that embraces growth and knowledge, and a community that imbibes good character.