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Showing posts from June 28, 2020

Talking About What Hurts

Believe me when I say I know what pain is. Believe me again when I tell you I know what it's like to not want to talk about what hurts. There are over a thousand and five reasons why we do not talk about what hurts inside( I hope you know I just exaggerated). Have I told you to believe me when I tell you I didn't believe the saying: "a problem shared is a problem solved"? Yes, I had the opinion that your problem is still your problem even after you share it. Yes, you read right: I used had, which means I don't think so anymore. Allow me tell you that there are a thousand and five reasons (I'm still exaggerating) why we refuse to talk about what hurts.  Reasons why we do not talk about what hurts We think it's pointless: if you think talking about what hurts is pointless and a waste of time and saliva, then you're thinking the way I used to think. Read the word 'used' again, denotes past tense. It isn't pointless to talk about what hurts. Ke...

The New Bride

THE NEW BRIDE  It was okay for us to sleep in the dark. But I've just been sent to get fuel. The new bride has to sleep fine. It was okay to eat without meat. All that mattered was that we didn't starve. Now chicken has been bought for the new bride to eat rice. We don't need new clothes. It doesn't matter that mama's wrapper is faded and worn out. But we have to get new clothes for the new bride. Mama has not sat in papa's car for years. Now the new bride sits in the front seat of papa's car. They are going out.  Papa used to take us out on weekends. Then he started to have busy weekends.  Now I understand why. Papa never gave enough money to buy food. Mama, a good woman, managed whatever little he gave. This has been the ritual for years. The new bride is here and spends a lot of money. She is called classy. Mama is called cheap. We drink garri for lunch. The new bride eats good food for lunch. She's meant to enjoy, we were made to suffer. It doesn...