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Attributes Of Ramadan

''The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance and the criterion(between right and wrong). So whoever of you sights (the cresent on the first night of the month of Ramadan i.e is present at his home),he must observe sawm(fasts) that month...''.[al-baqarah2:185]

1. The month of Ramadan is the ninth month in the islamic. calender. It is the month in which the holy Qur'an was revealed.

2. Another special characteristics of Ramadan is the fast through out the month. Fasting during the month of ramadan is the fourth pillar of islam, thus the fast during the month of ramadan is an obligatory one.

3. Allah has made Laylat al-Qadr in the month of Ramadan. Laylat al-Qadr is better than a thousand months,

''as Allah says[interpretation of the meaning]: 'Verily, we have sent it(this Qur'an) down in the Night of Al-Qadr(Decree) 
And what will make you know what the Night of Al-Qadr(decree) is?
The night of Al-Qadr(Decree) is better than a thousand month(i.e worshipping Allah in that month is better than worshiping Him a thousand months, i.e 83 years and 4 months) 
Therein descend the angels and the Rooh [Jibreel(Gabriel)] by Allah's permission with all Decrees. 
(All that night),there is peace (and goodness from Allah to His believeing slaves) until the appearance of dawn'' [al-Qadr 97:1-5)

4. In the month of Ramadan, Allah opens the gates of Paradise and closes the gates of Hell and chains up the devils.

This is stated in al-Saheehayn (al-Bukhari, 1898;Muslim,1079),from the hadith of Abu Hurayrah who said that the Messenger of Allah(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: '' When Ramadan comes, the gates of Paradise are opened and the gates of Hell are closed and the devils are chained up .''

5. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is a means of expiation for sins committed since the previous Ramadan,so long as one avoids the major the sins

'' The five daily prayers, from one Jumu'ah to the next and from one Ramadan to the next are expiation for(sins committed) in between, so long as you avoid major sins '' - Saheeh Muslim(233)

6. Fasting in Ramadan and spending nights in prayer out of fate and in the hope of  a reward is a means of forgiveness of sins.

''Whoever fasts Ramadan out of faith and in the hope of  reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.'' - [al-Saheehayn(al-Bukhari,2014;Muslim,760)]
''Whoever spends the nights of Ramadan in prayer out of fate and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven''-[al-Bukhari,2008 and Muslim,174]

And Allah knows best.


  1. Nice review Zain girl, when does Ramadan begin though?

    1. Most likely Friday, 24th April, 2020. And Allah knows best. Could start tomorrow too though, if the moon is sighted

  2. May Allah grant us health, Taqwa and wealth to make use of the month maximally

  3. This is lovely, may Allah reward you abundantly

  4. Zena!!,just keep praying for me during this time of ramadan

  5. Alhamdulillah, the month is here

  6. Alhamdulillah πŸ§•πŸΎπŸŒΉ


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